Who this course is and is NOT for

This course is detailed, but very practical and basic.

Simply because self-discipline, productivity, and getting things done is really simple.

It’s just a matter of getting things done.

Therefore, this isn’t for those who aren’t willing to put these things into practice. If you’re someone who constantly consumes information, but never applies what you learn, this isn’t going to help you either.

You have to actually take action.

This also isn’t for those who give up easily. Discipline takes a lot of work. It’s going to be uncomfortable.

And if you always just give up when things get difficult or uncomfortable then this probably isn’t for you.

I also want to mention that I am not a doctor, psychologist, or anything of that nature. I am simply someone who has practiced discipline so much, that I wanted to create a course on it.

If you suffer from depression or other mental disabilities this may seem impossible to you. While I struggle with negative thoughts too, I am able to overcome them. I am able to push through my mindset, I’m able to push through if I’m tired, and so on.

There may be a deeper reason for why you don’t get things done or think the way you do.

If you are struggling with every day things, like personal hygiene, cleaning, eating properly, etc. then this may not help you at all because you may not be able to actually apply those things.

Like I said I’m not a therapist and I can’t make you do any of what I’m about to teach, so you may want to consider seeking professional help if you feel that is what you need.

This is for those who want to be better in life.

For those who want to take responsibility and actually reach their goals.

You can take courses or read books your whole life and not get anywhere. 

The point of this is for you to apply the information and be consistent in your actions.

There are a few assignments throughout the course that will help you learn how to prioritize things in your life so that discipline becomes easier.

I highly suggest you treat this course just as that, a course. You’re paying for it, so do the assignments, take action, and be involved.

What you do with this information doesn't effect me. I am here to guide you, support you, and encourage you along the way, but this is your life.

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